“@Risputh: What a spoiled brats!” with less teeth & more power. Low taste horror, not even qualified as blockbuster. Yet we’re living it
25 Des 2010 saya menemukan makalah kasus Munir Karta, Desember ini menemukan orang yang pernah mendatanginya http://goo.gl/ayLKy
Abdul, junior-high DO, woke at 10, watched music program on TV. In the afternoon, stabbed Math Olympiad winner. http://goo.gl/sLN5q
A public minivan in Bandung is telling me otherwise. Getting stabbed for the girl he hardly knew http://goo.gl/sKfHy
600 ribu pengguna BB Telkomsel adalah nonpengguna BIS http://lakm.us/iYB. Perangkat lebih populer dibeli ketimbang layanan (atau gengsi?)
When I smelled alcohol from 2:00 AM “angkot” driver. He needed to lighten up in, I needed to stay alert. Safe & sound passing the odd hour
Ketimbang “katanya”, saya lebih pilih “konon”, agar tak jadi pembual, melainkan pendongeng belaka @quicchote
Attended mourning “tahlil”. Unemployment took the youth, apart children-wife, death took place after paralysis, typhus complication
“Anggota” yang berpakaian preman membeli sekerat bir. Segera diperebutkan #usaidemo. Pusing dari pagi nonstop
Rombongan gerobak (“roda”) teh botol dkk. juga bubar #usaidemo