Two violent events–what appears to be episode of Running Amok–closed December, the overwhelmingly impulsive month-of-the-year
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Istanbul (38) Cairo (25) Aden (48) Mogadishu (29) for those forcing opinion to deny life & don’t have a clue about appreciating it
Responsibility lies at the root of decision tree: cause, effect. A branch may not deflect that far–as you might think–to avoid not doing so
Farkhunda (Kabul), Ikhlaq (Dadri), later Utis (60km from home) beaten to death while no such mighty endorsement exists
Holy mob always quick about cheating live/death privilege. Later it’s a goat & a death irreversible to their power
“These are not the Taliban… not Islamic State.These are people like my friends, who go to school in the city”
Aniaya maut Eluay hari ini bertahun silam direnggut jadi kepahlawanan menurut sejarah, sejarah menurut pemenang
“This is silly; the defenders of the faith of Christ destroy the church and the Masons order it rebuilt” ~Ft. Nicanor at defeat of Macondo
Flee-in-ambulance scene resembled what I heard in person as if it were common to many. Chances were, “amok” wasn’t merely colonial tale