Not touched by Adele? @desianwar feels you. Some build immunity, frigid to lethal dose of dissonant
Vigilante groups owning large organization structure require regular fund support; leading to inevitable concession in economy & politic
“Notes return to the anticipated melody, tension resolves,” Guhn wasn’t noting jazz. Adele lethal dose of dissonant
FYI: now is still Mon Feb 13 23:21:02 CST 2012 ~signed /etc/timezone #fail
..mungkin kena pasal penodaan terhadap kitab motivasi.. Tidak berlaku di Jakarta #random
Jangan-jangan mereka juga tidak sedang dapat perhatian; kita cuma sedang ingin nikmati murahnya mengeluh hari-hari
It only takes 5 minutes of your television time to have media frenzy struck you in the head. Plain dirty campaign