What’s left are Indonesia floating fan base ready to convert to any better installment scheme caring less for security http://lakm.us/XVy
Blackberry was such an awesome corporate handheld, robustly withstand tons of email hits, with loyal rational user & no cult
“Yang ingin melihat Bandung tempo dulu, datanglah ke Bukittinggi” ~@GNFI
Resiprokal. Banyak yang merasa ini tamparan, tapi bersebelah tangan; bersebelah pipi
Ketika ruas Gatot Subroto masih ramai jam 10 malam tahun-tahun belakangan ini, kita punya masalah dengan pengasuhan
Youth unemployment Yemen 49%, Palestine 38%, Morocco 35%, Egypt 33%, Tunisia 26%. Europe: 30-50%, USA: 25-50% via @umairh
Attended mourning “tahlil”. Unemployment took the youth, apart children-wife, death took place after paralysis, typhus complication
“Sisa gaji Desember akan dibayarkan …” selembar tempelan A4 di resto Sunda yang juga dikenal karena cahkweh. Bukan sinyal bagus
Speaking of when to start worrying RT @jakpost: Paper: Micro-businesses decline while big business blossoms | http://bit.ly/aCc4UC