“Jewish day begins at sundown & ends the following sundown”
“All language is a set of symbols whose use among its speakers assumes a shared past”
“This is silly; the defenders of the faith of Christ destroy the church and the Masons order it rebuilt” ~Ft. Nicanor at defeat of Macondo
miseu Yazid aneuk Muawiyah \
peulara lidah wahe ceedara \
bek keutakheun Yazid kaphe \
hana dali yang peusisa
~jejak hikayat di Uni Leiden
..as if life were borrowing names from yesterday’s fictions
“Some of their finds were singular; among others, the skeleton of an ourang-outan, who had disappeared from the Jardin des Plantes in 1800″
“…in an indistinct fashion, that she possessed a weapon; women play with their beauty as children do with a knife. They wound themselves”
Pamuk speaks of hüzün in equally romantic air of melancholy as Coelho’s zahir. Looking east on a ground of the west
“…it was the Parisian nose, that is to say, spiritual, delicate, irregular, pure,—which drives painters to despair, & charms poets”