“Some of their finds were singular; among others, the skeleton of an ourang-outan, who had disappeared from the Jardin des Plantes in 1800″
Aneka istilah mengandung babi (keinsinyuran, politik, sampai klenik): memory-hog, pork-barrel, babi-ngepet, celeng(an), piggy bank
Drawing. Timmy the lamb is left handed, Yabba the duckling is right handed
..tetapi ternyata ada pula tahayul bahwa ayam itu berkokok melihat ada “yang lewat”. Buta tapi melihat
Ayam jantan yang berkokok jam segini, selain mewarisi rabun, besar kemungkinan buta waktu
May Java soil accepts the African heir “20 kg of plastic found in dead giraffe’s stomach”
The fact is Emperor Penguin has bright-yellow ear patches. They are serially monogamous
Penguins with golden spotted neck are of the noble descents *from #toddler book*
Baru perhatikan Ikan-ikan di kolam itu mengapung stasioner, inikah tidur? #random