More than 1 in 4 students in Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong, Hong Kong, Singapore & Taipei are top-performing students in mathematics
« never had any course, borrowed the prep book (not owning) & still got 600. When early age English is overrated
Cemaskan ujian? Kalau Pure It sudah teruji ITB dan IPB, Aqua masih berpeluang dengan UI atau UGM
When Will•I•am or Chris NBA is code evangelist not just Gates/Zuckerberg. How brilliant campaign should look:
Bahasa Inggris usia dini: “shake hands” itu bersalaman minus cium tangan
Framed with -istan suffix in mind, no need to look far. It was here, self proclaimed cleric discouraging children from attending school
Class Dismissed [a 2009 documentary]
..tak sengaja, tanaman itu tercerabut. Urung marah melihat umbinya yang gemuk, kejutan Timmy adalah wortel. Tak harus bunga mekar..
Episode Timmy yang bikin decak kagum: “Spring Surprise” Para murid belajar berkebun, tapi ada apa dengan tanaman Timmy?