Tak ada lagi waktu yang lebih tepat untuk tak tunda cuci piring selain karena kehabisan gelas buat ngopi
Suratan adalah: cukur rambut sendiri berpola abstrak begitu mulai mahir menggunting pada usianya. #toddler
“kleenex” adalah contoh majas pars-pro-toto dalam bahasa Inggris
..having said “niche”, I figure that there are more jazz audiences for my writings, simply because I wrote more often for bigger syndication
For blogging once a month, niche tech stuff, 2012 was some +1000 US, +400 India, +200 Indonesia visitors #pic

To be heard, roadblock is quite a popular model, even Hercules is available for hire, “shepherding the crowd of block” http://j.mp/RRGIuT
“..and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine in the end” ~from Gitanjali, Tagore
“The traveler has to knock at every alien door to come to his own…”
Orang Batak percaya dengan nyanyian pilu, air nira untuk bahan tuak akan keluar lebih banyak http://j.mp/ZWDYQC0. #blues #localization
“In a Batak gathering, everybody is forced to talk. Even when we have zero idea of what to talk about” ~@carlotamba