Halo? Apa hujan bisa bikin adem? \ Hati-hati di jalan, ya! ~ #toddler menutup telefon ke hujan
Aneka istilah mengandung babi (keinsinyuran, politik, sampai klenik): memory-hog, pork-barrel, babi-ngepet, celeng(an), piggy bank
Compared to Raspbian #Pi, XBian as APN never achieved even half an hour. XBMC process was the CPU-hog to blame [that I failed to notice]
Uptime #Pi 2:46 as APN with two USB plugged-in, WiFi stick & modem stick with Y-cable power assistant, sourced by separate AC adapter
Decade long since hearing “voulez-vous coucher avec moi?” played. Not even close to eargasm, likely earphorn instead
Probably it’s the other way around: think idiomatically English, then write in mother-tongue, embracing its own idiom. A level of syncretism
“Aromanja & rasanja tinggal tetep, kaloe ini Koffie soeda di boeka dari kantongnja harep di pindahken di stopfles/blik” sedjak 1930