She was a troubled woman in a troubled city. The troubled law will make her serve the same years as infamous sandal theft
Why novel? When tangled between plowing through Inbox & catching up with back issues of The Economist or fake fiction
Wearing Outer Baduy daily outfit, a buttoned long-sleeved shirt made by weaving & dye-coloring #pic

Bali musiknya, Sunda kendangnya, Rusia penontonnya! Saat Janger bertemu Ketuk Tilu interaktif. The Fingers:
End up getting dizzy, trying to finish a book on a bus. Need more train tracks! Can keep on reading more, even when standing
Close itinerary doc, exit GMaps, adjust time zone, & face the traffic!
“Priyayi, meski jaman malaise orang kebanyakan, punya pelesir main instah ghram yang tak cukup sebenggol dua benggol” ~Bendoro
Tawuran anak sekolah jelang shubuh. Berputar
Like the tone of the paper; they refrained from jumping to conclusion, “One caution: stats analysis does’t prove a causal relationship”
Indonesians need as twice as much larger bandwidth to play YouTube compared to other 56 countries due to packet loss [?]