Have keep hearing “occupation” loud? Reading this restriction, hard to shrug off that Papua isn’t one [http://huff.to/NiGk4S ↬@kenmiryam]
Werner Kraus performed “salaman” in the interview: shook the counterpart extended hand, withdrew back to the chest http://bit.ly/NqZx1W
Devoutness. Farhadi didn’t shake hands with Madonna when she presented him Golden Globe award, nor with Sandra Bullock at the Oscars
Majid Majidi “Children of Heaven” won the same nomination. @TIME mistakenly saying Farhadi’ as 1st award of its kind http://ti.me/zEhH2q
NYC Police showing offensive anti-Muslim film during training. What Mayor Bloomberg has to say [HRW] http://j.mp/yWWo4S
“Similar stigma to follow the biased phrase ‘hard-liners’, obviously with no doubt, used in conjunction with ‘islamist’”
Years of framing does actually work. Tell me about it
“Balik modal, untung hingga 100%, cuma di sini,” pandangan orang asing yang pernah diungkap teman, senada survei BBC http://lakm.us/30R
pluralisme vs multikulturalisme http://lakm.us/T0W, mencuplik minoritas muslim di Perancis dan Inggris. Bagaimana dengan istilah “bhinneka”?
Cara jurnalis BBC “tabayyun” http://lakm.us/J6L