Paris explosion. This has been the 2nd blast to this Indonesian embassy during Yudhoyono administration
NYC Police showing offensive anti-Muslim film during training. What Mayor Bloomberg has to say [HRW]
“Concerning terror, there is no need to put god in the picture”
Years of framing does actually work. Tell me about it
Seperti biasa media memuat “mulai memakai jubah”, detail penting yang akibatkan korelasi acak-acakan yang tak berhenti di kemudian hari
Book packages with wires & circuitry were part of my teen years *Elex Media Series*
Literally RT @jakpost: Latest: ITB never teaches students to make bombs |
Penjudulan berita teroris Bandung #stereotipikal “Ditemukan Lembaran Kertas Arab Gundul Soal Hijrah dan Jihad” memaksa halus korelasi fakta
“Saya prihatin …” quote someone. “Saya lebih prihatin”
[tiny investigative-report] Ecep Suwardani Yasa. executive prod. program investigasi tv1. Semarang: redaksi radar grup Jawa Pos, dirikan SP; majalah tempo, ketua AJI. SAg IAIN Purwokerto. 62818455xxx