“Sell in May and go away” [being superstitious isn't proprietary]
Tune us the sitar neither low nor high “@kenmiryam: Teppettu maoompennge’, teppolo massellomoe’”
Coelho idem dito –by staying submerged in it– “You don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there” ~Ed Cole ↬@BrandYou
“They send words. We see pattern”
“… je pouvais voir, au fond de ses yeux, le reflet de ma propre beauté.” ~Narcisse, L’Alchimiste
“Tasawuf itu jazzy. Jazz itu Sufistik!” ~Emha Ainun Nadjib [Cak Nun] ↬ @candramalik
“Tidak akan beruntung seseorang yang darinya tercium aroma ambisi terhadap jabatan & kekuasaan” ~Yahya ibn Mu’adz ar-Razi ↬ @salimafillah
“Termasuk kerendahan hati adalah; meninggikan diri & menunjukkan rasa tak membutuhkan di depan penguasa angkuh” ~Ibn al-Mubarak [↬ Salim AF]
Wahai muda, kenali dirimu \ Ialah perahu tamsil hidupmu \ Tiadalah beberapa lama hidupmu \ Ke akhirat juga kekal hidupmu ~Hamzah Fansuri
Vigilante groups owning large organization structure require regular fund support; leading to inevitable concession in economy & politic