“Energi misuh & nyinyir kita membesarkan industri televisi; dengan sutradara & aktor yang tak pernah kita pilih”
“…Siapa saja yg merasa mengikuti Sunnah Nabi (dengan pilihan sanadnya masing-masing) adalah sunni” ~@muhsinlabib
Memilih pemimpin itu satu paket dengan menerima sisi “tapi”-nya. Dan saya sedang kekenyangan “tapi”-nya dari pilihan mayoritas 2009 lalu
“The guy sitting next to you might be wearing the hair of some woman in Indonesia” ~May Kasahara, toupee part time surveyor
“Cynicism is the most trivial form of self-defeat” ~@umairh
“All they looked for on the tube were the bouts intellectual gladiators; the redder the blood they drew, the better” ~Wind-Up Bird
“Usually traumatized infants are squealing. Cling to the person most resembles Mother. Kosasih didn’t behave in this way” ~Dr. Galdikas
“Despite knowing what it takes to be content, a man might still be unhappy” ~Black Effendi
“Did a painting become legendary for what it was or for what was said about it?” ~Black