..done migrating our little startup to a new hosting plan… [sincerely: the husband]
Just got 2 earphones & 1 headphones fixed. Even the cheapest FM wireless last longer than these wired pieces
Ayam jantan yang berkokok jam segini, selain mewarisi rabun, besar kemungkinan buta waktu
Tan Tjeng Bok flamboyan keroncong, pelesir pakai Rolls-Royce, bangkrut jadi kenek oplet. Bak tonil yang dilakoninya http://j.mp/GWE6TJ
Bogor barusan ekstra lengang, padahal jam masuk sekolah. Sampai Jakarta idem; hampir saja tempat turun terlewat. Libur kolektif yang aneh
Niat menyeduh sedikit kopi malah tumpah jadi beberapa paragraf resensi
A fellow musician doesn’t install any audio equipment in his car. 0 dB, a pause. As pro, one could expect silence as moment of appreciation.
Is there any better suggestion for encountering death other than to face life?
Now who on earth says anything about women being the shed of all tears & sorrow in the world? Bob Marley ma #man?
My next door, younger than me, lost his job, being left by his wife, suffered unbearable illness & faced his deathbed a year ago. #man