« can’t stop thinkin’ that this whole public-private hype is (yet again) Jakarta-esque
Logical framework differences are increasingly taken as insult to the other’ intellect. People–not just parting ways, they–leave each other
“This is silly; the defenders of the faith of Christ destroy the church and the Masons order it rebuilt” ~Ft. Nicanor at defeat of Macondo
High profile official arrest as ICAC never cease to hold its 4-decades strong grip, ad hoc (not ad interim) http://econ.st/1Llgvzk
Crafted the same for class: wire, TNT, clock–the only thing real. But I wasn’t brown in Texas 15 years later http://slate.me/1ivsq2S
Kitab muqa #random
Kaget lihat Gojek beratribut lengkap di jalanan Bogor. Lalu dia melipir tanya arah Jakarta
Developing a new habit of converting celeb names to initials without necessarily deducting them against “the-list”. Meme persists
Mengurutkan Fansuri dan Ar-Raniry di antara nama-nama itu seperti tidak pas http://j.mp/1JtngeO