Ternyata ada blasphemy semacam The Da Vinci Code “@midotcom: Pemuda Kristiani Filipina juga Tolak Lady Gaga http://bit.ly/JSUsj0″
bad-weather turned bad-news turned bad-mouth
Kelompok-kelompok ini tak perlu bertarung dalam medan pemilu. Jika pun masuk jalan elektoral, mereka jelas akan kalah http://j.mp/LWAHcG
Obama attributing Americans: what they constitute of http://youtu.be/zDcjzdrkHDE?t=4m27s [victory speech 2008]
“They send words. We see pattern”
I imagine an automated action of a reporter, publishing the previously written draft, adding date-time, probably photo. Predictable reaction
Gender bill under review, Ford funded queer film screened nationwide, & Irshad Manji visit. Test-the-water is vain knowing its surface
Zuckerberg excited about Instagr•am acquisition http://j.mp/IbGU3N [4 hours ago]. [things that changed while you were sleeping]
“Media bias is betrayed by the stories we choose to cover, the order to them, the length we give them, & the perspective we favor” ~Touré
Ebiet G.Ade “Isyu!” (Jackson Records, 1986) http://youtu.be/pG2oQmcp7MY | @hericz