Modern quest for accomplished persona in part accepts weaknesses as the whole, otherwise we’re in search for someone not there
“Ptah” ketimbang “Kun”, pilihan yang tak menyinggung ibunya yang taat saat perlu menabrakkan nalar materi dengan ruh
“All language is a set of symbols whose use among its speakers assumes a shared past”
Meninggalkan ide atau orang-orangnya? Ketika Punk pecah kongsi dengan gerakan kiri http://j.mp/1VLLuqG
Penn made his case clear by weighing also the demand side across the border: Americans craving for illicit drugs, waving adios from being locked barbarically behind–Mexican–bars
Sean Penn living his own space oddity as journo Q&A with El Chapo. As if life were borrowing from yesterday fiction http://rol.st/1RsYMds
Telaah kiri metode kanan tentang tokoh yang berdiri di tengah http://j.mp/1RsazW8. Percobaan yang niscaya tak berbuah dari takut & jahil
“Diracun di udara…”
Kitab muqa #random