In the end, even having all the right noises, do I desperately miss the sound of silence?
Baiklah, saya mengutip guru besar Melayu, sahibul hajat festival Malaka dulu di tengah-tengah gerutu profetik Miles Davis
The wee small hours when either of starting Monday and ending Sunday makes no difference
Sedikit placebo, roti baik-sebelum-13, & pak sari kacang hijau yang habis dalam 10 seruput adalah tak pernah terlalu berlebihan
« am a little behind in this year annual #jazz writing-marathon
Saru homofonik antara ngepel & ngompile menurunkan menu Minggu dari keduanya. #wiringPi #Pi
..having said “niche”, I figure that there are more jazz audiences for my writings, simply because I wrote more often for bigger syndication
For blogging once a month, niche tech stuff, 2012 was some +1000 US, +400 India, +200 Indonesia visitors #pic
Tolak angin perdana tahun ini. Ora bejo? …Pintar!
Mengulang Senin, ini Taman Koleksi, jelang mati listrik yang memicu eksodus warga ke tempat-tempat bergenset #pic