One break-dance that plays without a break: simple streaming with BeagleBoard
If sore throat demotivates you, don’t look for answer in self-help shelves, try 1000 mg vitamin C as a better placebo. #eaa
November: ARM cross-compiling mystery solved. A half an hour finale was all I need noting that I’ve abandoned this from December last year
Wouldn’t think twice over crowdfunded Cubieboard if I were among the $19 early bird Only $59 left. For immature board?
Being on the publisher’s board, prepare for readers nasty comments ["For Jakarta Dep.Governor, a Post-Meeting Memo" ]
Fool me Pi, shame on me. No need for monitor when I have EasyCap around
When Raspbian fails, BeagleBoard seems to handle load smoothly used as router with USB ethernet #pic

Sebelum pukul 8 pegawai Kelurahan Tegal Gundil sudah berbaris di halaman depan untuk taklimat. Apa gerangan?
If you’re thinking that “lunatic” has unparalleled match, try driving right before the rain to learn the meaning of “rainatic”
“The market is always right even when it’s under 3 feet of water” ~@johnbender