Oliver Twist to London is like Gavroche to Paris
Barzakh to the ethereal is what the estuary is to the ocean
The crowd amuses itself by claiming a false national pride after achievement made by a figure largely detached from his origin
“rent seeker” yang jadi “pemburu rente” di halaman satu koran MI. Idiom global rasa lokal? #pic

To my surprise, the world, not just telco, is full of abbreviations for us to sense exclusive barriers between professions
Memenjarakan diri dalam masker kertas; sebab sugesti itu murah & udara bersih tidak
Baru pasang LINE dan wow! Kumelihat orang-orang yang sama (lagi) $%&*
Lebih baik punya dua, masing-masing 500 GB, daripada 1 TB tapi cuma satu. #sikap