Density of a material is defined as its mass per unit volume.
ρ (in some countries i.e. USA) is also defined as weight per unit volume
Units: (kg/m³), g/cm³
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Interfacial tension and centrifugal forces balanced at mechanical equilibrium.
centrifugal-IFT equilibrium
Interfacial tension of any liquid that gives a shape very close to a cylinder at the equilibrium point, can be estimated using Vonnegut’s expression:
ω : angular velocity; (radians per second, degrees per second, revolutions per second)
Δρ : difference between two fluid: the less-dense and the dense
Statistical Mechanics Basis of Macleod’s Formula. M.-E. BOUDH-HIR and G.A. MANSOORI. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Volume 94, pp.8362-8364, 1990.
The famous formula of Macleod, relating the surface tension of a liquid in equilibrium with its own vapor to the one-particle densities in the two phases of the system, is derived. Proved using the statistical- mechanical definition of the surface tension.
(Later on Mansoori worked with Escobedo)
Escobedo and Mansoori (AIChE J. 42(5): 1425, 1996)Found original paper: check Escobedo 1996The proposed 1996 paper relates the surface tension of mixtures to bulk-phase concentrations and properties (i.e. densities). Surface tension of pure organic fluids σ:
The two ρ are densities: liquid and vapour.
They introduced parachor (
), a new expression, derived from statistical mechanics (from Macleod equation) which represents the experimental surface tension of 94 different organic compounds within 1.05 AAD% (average absolute deviations).(Kumar 2005) It expresses the surface tension of a liquid in equilibrium with its own vapour. Historical reference for parachor cited here: Macleod, Sugden, Quayle, Escobedo.