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12:08:34 pm on February 21, 2010 |
Feedforward Neural Network Construction Using Cross Validation. Rudy Setiono. Neural Computation 13(12): 2865-2877.
This article presents an algorithm that constructs feedforward neural networks with a single hidden layer for pattern classification. The algorithm starts with a small number of hidden units in the network and adds more hidden units as needed to improve the network’s predictive accuracy. To determine when to stop adding new hidden units, the algorithm makes use of a subset of the available training samples for cross validation. New hidden units are added to the network only if they improve the classification accuracy of the network on the training samples and on the cross-validation samples.
Extensive experimental results show that the algorithm is effective in obtaining networks with predictive accuracy rates that are better than those obtained by state-of-the-art decision tree methods.
02:30:46 pm on February 20, 2010 |
Verification: Is the product being built right?
Validation: Is the right product being built?
09:12:49 am on February 20, 2010 |
Drelich J, Fang C, White CL. 2002. Measurement of interfacial tension in fluid-fluid systems. Di dalam: Hubbard AT. Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science. Ed ke-1. New York: Marcel Dekker. hlm 3:3152-3166.
08:00:04 am on February 20, 2010 |
Drelich, J., Fang, Ch., White, C.L., “Measurement of Interfacial Tension in Fluid-Fluid Systems”, Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Marcel
Dekker, Inc. 2002, P3152-3166.This article summarized measurement method for IFT instrumentation equipment.
classification of IFT measurement method
12:06:03 pm on February 19, 2010 |
Interfacial tension and centrifugal forces balanced at mechanical equilibrium.
centrifugal-IFT equilibrium
Interfacial tension of any liquid that gives a shape very close to a cylinder at the equilibrium point, can be estimated using Vonnegut’s expression:
ω : angular velocity; (radians per second, degrees per second, revolutions per second)
Δρ : difference between two fluid: the less-dense and the dense
11:49:55 am on February 19, 2010 |
Spinning drop method (rotating drop method) is one of the methods that is used to measure interfacial tension. Basically, measurements are carried out in a rotating horizontal tube which contains a dense fluid. One drop of a less dense liquid is placed inside the fluid.
Since the rotation of the horizontal tube creates a centrifugal force towards the tube walls, the liquid drop starts to be elongated and this elongation stops when the interfacial tension and centrifugal forces are balanced. Values obtained at this equilibrium point are used to estimate surface tension of the particular liquid by using appropriate correlations. A device called “spinning drop tensiometer” is generally utilized for this purpose.
03:11:44 am on February 19, 2010 |
Boudh-Hir ME, Mansoori GA. 1990. Statistical mechanics basis of Macleod’s formula. J Phys Chem 94:8362-8364.
02:28:24 am on February 19, 2010 |
Queimada AJ, Marrucho IM, Stenby EH, Coutinho JAP. 2004. Generalized relation between surface tension and viscosity: a study on pure and mixed n-alkanes. Di dalam: Fluid Phase Equilibria. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties; Colorado: 22-27 Jun 2003. Colorado: Elsevier Science. hlm (222-223):161-168.
11:14:05 pm on February 18, 2010 |
Generalized Relation Between Surface Tension and Viscosity: a Study on Pure and Mixed n-alkanes. A. J. Queimada, I. M. Marrucho , E. H. Stenby, J. A. P. Coutinho. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 22-27, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Both for pure compounds and mixtures.
proceeding info published in Fluid Phase Equilibria
09:23:39 pm on February 18, 2010 |
Statistical Mechanics Basis of Macleod’s Formula. M.-E. BOUDH-HIR and G.A. MANSOORI. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Volume 94, pp.8362-8364, 1990.
The famous formula of Macleod, relating the surface tension of a liquid in equilibrium with its own vapor to the one-particle densities in the two phases of the system, is derived. Proved using the statistical- mechanical definition of the surface tension.
(Later on Mansoori worked with Escobedo)