“Choosing to frame history in terms of violent conflict & oppression: the same can be said of any belief system, including secularism”
West conceives certain religious groups as being inherently more “violent” or “peaceful” or “compassionate” than others http://j.mp/QbrSN2
Umbul-umbul ormas baru pun bertebaran di #
Bogor: BBR. Sayang bunyi ucapannya saru
dengan FBR. Entah akan spesialis konser/tidak
“@mpujayaprema: Dua ormas itu Laskar Bali dan Baladika, dikenal “Garis keras” tp tak menunjukkan kekerasan. Missinya: mengamankan Bali.”
…that is how we maintain the biased-term “hardliner”: prejudice followed by police negligence, then the magic snow ball of news magnitude
“Media bias is betrayed by the stories we choose to cover, the order to them, the length we give them, & the perspective we favor” ~TourĂ©
“Alkinemokiye”: 1 h doc of Freeport strike released after limited screening http://youtu.be/x3OWOu88BhY. Footage: Papuan Congress
Vigilante groups owning large organization structure require regular fund support; leading to inevitable concession in economy & politic
Tajul, bernama asli Ali Murtadha, tak lekas buka pesantren di Sampang sepulang dari Arab, tapi pengaruhnya meluas sejak buka pesantren 2004
Awal 1980-an Kiai Makmun dikirimi surat kabar Iran oleh sahabatnya di sana. Ia kemudian mengenal Ayatollah Khomeini http://lakm.us/RZt