“Media bias is betrayed by the stories we choose to cover, the order to them, the length we give them, & the perspective we favor” ~TourĂ©
Once the line “I reckon …” popped out, I found simple connection through them: indigenous Southern accents
“The Help” http://j.mp/GAg5lp was my revisit to history between the lines of “To Kill a Mockingbird” or “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”
“Alkinemokiye”: 1 h doc of Freeport strike released after limited screening http://youtu.be/x3OWOu88BhY. Footage: Papuan Congress
NYC Police showing offensive anti-Muslim film during training. What Mayor Bloomberg has to say [HRW] http://j.mp/yWWo4S
“JFK tak semena-mena mengatakan kita perlu ke bulan, tetapi ke bulan adalah alat untuk membangkitkan mimpi, bukan tujuan” ~temannya @hericz
Tadi nonton wawancara Quincy Jones; ngotot masukkan debut Will Smith ke komedi seri saat rapper & televisi nasional bukanlah kombinasi hoki
Seeing reference to Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone circularized here & there. They weren’t the same piece but still revolved around US’ crisis
Verizon lawsuit on companies that allegedly duped its customers into signing up for fraudulent premium text messages: http://goo.gl/6kBmZ