Zero sum. Tetap saja ada yang harus tempel koyo di leher, tak enak badan, tetap narik, dengan penumpang cuma setengah biasanya
Bogor barusan ekstra lengang, padahal jam masuk sekolah. Sampai Jakarta idem; hampir saja tempat turun terlewat. Libur kolektif yang aneh
Not taking econo train for quite long. Empty is at this hour; clear view of its freak show. A normal in fail urban
Mayday 2011: bis tumplek sekitar Monas, lautan manusia! Tapi itu Sabtu yang tak mengundang perhatian
She was a troubled woman in a troubled city. The troubled law will make her serve the same years as infamous sandal theft
..only to snatch the victim’ Blackberry, another brilliance at lost. The city is sleepless, but rather in vain..
Abdul, junior-high DO, woke at 10, watched music program on TV. In the afternoon, stabbed Math Olympiad winner.
“I don’t do it all. I think doing it all is a myth. But I do know a few tricks” ~Gabrielle Blair, designer & mother of six
6 people fill in the gap of income, 3-6 children, no nanny, predominantly work after kids go to bed, how their days look