Tags: behavior, irony, liberalism, radical, rivalry, social media, trending
Radical vs ridicule, the long divide; for flame is the source of power, not the lack of it
Tags: behavior, counter productive, degradation, irony, journalism, sharing, social media, trending, values
At the expense of no validate, opt for verified. Discipline separates journalism from fiction. Otherwise we’re loosing everything to over generalized term: mainstream
Tags: hype, irony, Jakarta, perspective, social media, terrorism, trending topic, urban, viral
Self victimizing bros, preempt WMD dudes, telling you-not-to pals, & an ignorant troll dealing with the fact: it’s his educated friend wits
Tags: affinity, inspiring, role model, social media, startup company, tech, WhatsApp
Decades old Erlang code, 50 smart engineers not necessarily ‘ve written in it, close to 0 meeting. WhatsApp reveals http://j.mp/1KmMqu9
Tags: affinity, modern, public service, social media, tech, telco, Twitter
Keluhan layanan selular via PSTN tak ada CS angkat, coba via Twitter tuntas < 20′ dijawab empat CS gantian. Medium adalah pesannya
Jempolku tak lebih cepat dari prasangka; tapi kerap mendului akal
Jempolku cekatan bebas-merdeka; tapi kerap menyeberang langgar perasaan
Puji syukur,
jempolku bertulang tak seperti lidah; niscaya kuat genggam tanganmu dalam jabatan
jempolku sakti merengkuh jarak jaman keajaiban biner
Kutekuk ia ke dalam pada sikap salam
Kuketuk maaf pada tajam kata-katanya
~kawan binermu
Tags: censorship, fallacy, hype, Islam, media, negativism, social media
UU-nya ’99, surat edaran 2010, daftar 2013 tambahan atas 300 yang efektif 2011. Sekarang jangan dilanjutkan, gitu dong framing-nya
Coming from where idea is without contest, no genuine tradition of criticism, you’d only exercise framing, as if you were noteworthy pundits