Juno challenges Uber’ notorious worker problem: The Kind-Devil Wears Prada behind, former IDF CIO, Viber founder http://j.mp/1WaRr32
Weather alert to my watch: automation made easy by @nebri_os http://lakm.us/rain #maker | @planpin
Heads-up https://github.com/bandono/nebri. Coming soon..
New post: starting two/multiple services in upstart init style (replacing sys-V legacy) by Squid3 instances example http://j.mp/11xBNVX
S/W are peculiar, uncanny and/or buggy. Simple trace that might win them all http://www.cloudshark.org/captures/a9b82aa8bb35
Panduan jelas ID Society akhir 2012: radang tenggorokan mana yang bakteri strep & perlu antibiotik. Umumnya bukan http://j.mp/Z1di23
USB-hog? What you’ll likely found when playing around Raspberry #Pi. I did. Here is my story http://j.mp/106SvnY