“The fashionable world that hung on to the court with one hand, so as to avoid sinking to the level of the demi-monde”
So, tell me something… Tell me something I don’t know \ You tell me & I’ll tell you
“Discrimination, poverty, and ignorance” ~Hadji Gumus character in “Five Minarets in New York”
“Duende”, Spanish word for artistic soul or spirit, according to Cohen, “It’s a feeling that nurtures music.”
“emok ngetong jhelenna ajem, kaloppae sokona dhibhik niddhek tamaccok”
Hal yang paling menyakitkan & berbahaya bagi orang baik adalah berhutang budi pada orang-orang jahat. ~Hamengkubuwono I (d. 1792) ↬Salim AF
“The Calling” is equal parts Rachmaninoff & Radiohead as Collin plays dramatic melody over hypnotic minor-key bass line ~@NPR
“Closing your eyes isn’t going to change anything. Nothing’s going to disappear just because you can’t see what’s going on” ~JW poser
“You can’t find these kinds of customers in other countries” ~Henri Honoris banking on his convenience store chain