“Jewish day begins at sundown & ends the following sundown”
“All language is a set of symbols whose use among its speakers assumes a shared past”
It’s when you satiate your hunger by hurting your tongue
“For the secret of rulership is to combine a belief in one’s own infallibility…”
“Only in Russia men of 50 thought themselves old when in France considered himself dans la force de l’âge, while man of 40 un jeune homme”
”ارتق بكلماتك ولا ترفع صوتك
فالأمطار هي التي تنبت الزهور لا الرعد”
..as if life were borrowing names from yesterday’s fictions
Kalau hidup cuma kami atau mereka, takkan pernah kita berjalan ke tenggara
“…it is an old law of envy & hatred which is being carried out; genius attracts insult, great men are always more or less barked at.”
“The light of torches resembles the wisdom of cowards; it gives a bad light because it trembles”