Sebelum pukul 8 pegawai Kelurahan Tegal Gundil sudah berbaris di halaman depan untuk taklimat. Apa gerangan?
Relishing Cohen’ fretting sound & noticing its difference to his 1996 trio (as sideman to Kurt Rosenwinkel almost a decade ago)
Kalau lebih dari setengah orang Rusia pakai Yandex, orang Korea selalu login NateOn dan kunjungi Nate, itu artinya? #localization
Tahukah Anda? Yandex, mesin pencari Rusia, mengunjungi situs Anda nyaris serajin bot Google
Battery memory-effect is a myth I find myself discharging Li-on battery as a result of being reluctant to update
Legacy device lends its 2.8″ screen to help me scroll over thousand pages of books. Compact you say? @Den_Soerja
Flickers in video transitions rendering. Upgrading Pitivi from its initial release bundled in Ubuntu Lucid doesn’t solve the problem
“goods” no longer “good” as we’re into disposable concept of tech items
goods [en]: salable commodities, property. from plural good [en]: that which is good, goodness; advantage, benefit; gift