Iman sains tak perlu goyah karena soal kenyataan meleset, sebab ragu adalah rukunnya
Sekalinya baca berita, pas ketemu Inilah vs TribunNews. #framing 180° objek yang sama
“Choosing to frame history in terms of violent conflict & oppression: the same can be said of any belief system, including secularism”
Protectionism phobia: [2] WTO warning over the threat
Protectionism phobia: [1] A take on Kevin O’Rourke piece
“@jakpost: Unified time zone may save power: PLN” while securing gas will significantly leverage the bulk right side of the balance!
I’m amazed that Badu’ calmly responded to her ban by respecting local value, that government should protect what the people devoted to
Often times, “Om” syllable is seen transcribed on top of Budjana’ guitar. In accordance with local value, people don’t find this offensive
Indonesian Red Cross Refuses to Change Its Logo A twist of civilization, values at test