..tak sengaja, tanaman itu tercerabut. Urung marah melihat umbinya yang gemuk, kejutan Timmy adalah wortel. Tak harus bunga mekar..
Episode Timmy yang bikin decak kagum: “Spring Surprise” http://j.mp/JTgRwW Para murid belajar berkebun, tapi ada apa dengan tanaman Timmy?
Despite “WHO guidelines for the safe preparation of powdered infant formula” http://lakm.us/Bst, we won’t be naming any brand here!
Performing ablution, by means of water, before the rite of a prayer #pic
Learn it the hard way. Google executive send his 5th-grader to private school where they don’t get to use computer http://goo.gl/zu9HE
“I don’t do it all. I think doing it all is a myth. But I do know a few tricks” ~Gabrielle Blair, designer & mother of six
Khatam abjad, kata pertama yang dibaca #toddler adalah “jazz”
Ayah aktif terlibat pengasuhan, ya @ranodimas? Bekerja-untuk-diri-sendiri memang mungkinkan atur pilihan waktu
Not mentioning brand was being ethical. Code of conduct. I still consume Bear brand & Oreo now. Their image recovered, why worried?