Modern quest for accomplished persona in part accepts weaknesses as the whole, otherwise we’re in search for someone not there
Meninggalkan ide atau orang-orangnya? Ketika Punk pecah kongsi dengan gerakan kiri http://j.mp/1VLLuqG
Jalan panjang ridiculism..
Kintamani single origin, in light creme, with palm sugar. Guilty pleasure when the world hasn’t change its mind
Memeriksa riwayat kabar itu ilmu akhirat yang tiba-tiba nyangkut antara langit & bumi
Puasa lekas datanglah ke tengah benci, agar yang tahu malu segera urung dari berbuat tak adil. Segera
Even in our very own solemn gratitude, we’re still stealing –from the less fortunate– pity
“…in an indistinct fashion, that she possessed a weapon; women play with their beauty as children do with a knife. They wound themselves”
Kecenderungan: jurnalis disalahkan saat tak bisa kelola persepsi, sebaliknya pada kasus terlihat berprestasi dituding budget humasnya besar
To the question of how to live, there is an insoluble question presented itself—death.