Posts tagged with: opinion RSS
7:27 am on December 11, 2015 | 3 | # |
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Logical framework differences are increasingly taken as insult to the other’ intellect. People–not just parting ways, they–leave each other

7:32 am on October 6, 2015 | 0 | # |
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« worried decade long subscriber of XL for hearing sharp fall to 4th when challenger start winning

8:29 pm on May 7, 2015 | 0 | # |
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Mengurutkan Fansuri dan Ar-Raniry di antara nama-nama itu seperti tidak pas

9:36 pm on November 27, 2013 | 0 | # |
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Still then, disapproval goes around penalizing the rich, beggar or doctor (while the later may not be the actual to date case)

9:18 am on March 2, 2013 | 0 | # |
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Baiklah, saya mengutip guru besar Melayu, sahibul hajat festival Malaka dulu di tengah-tengah gerutu profetik Miles Davis

10:08 am on February 21, 2013 | 0 | # |
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“These days in Europe, a great number of bands play jazz without a trace of an American accent”

10:06 am on February 21, 2013 | 0 | # |
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If jazz did die somewhere in the 70s or this era is the most exciting in jazz’s 100-year history ~Ian Patterson op-ed

5:43 pm on February 12, 2013 | 0 | # |
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“Economist always relies on first-best analysis –like that simple post– yet, we’re often dealing with 2nd or 3rd best institution”

1:40 pm on January 23, 2013 | 0 | # |
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Masih belum cukup ya, kelapa sawit? \ Apa sih yang namanya cukup? ~Kuntoro

8:46 pm on November 3, 2012 | 0 | # |
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Being on the publisher’s board, prepare for readers nasty comments ["For Jakarta Dep.Governor, a Post-Meeting Memo" ]