Ngobrol bareng veteran candy crush saga
wife: Have you ever lied to me? \ husband: Technically yes
“growing old with you” adds another aspect of “growth” in the bridegroom future life
..done migrating our little startup to a new hosting plan… [sincerely: the husband]
“Koalisi ranjang” menuju “aliansi panjang” ~@muhsinlabib
“My husband has made me laugh, wiped my tears, hugged me tight, saved my life, watched me succeed, seen my fail, cheered me on, kept me going strong, put up with my mood swing, has said everything will be ok when things get tough.. He is a promise from God that I’ll have a friend forever..” ~someone
Woke too early, failed to sleep back. Fixed breakfast. #toddler, awaken, was snacking my potato fries, then huddled on my lap
Watching “King’ Speech” with my wife. Getting even for the past 3 days without
Re: Balance. Be it your account, troubles, you’ll see enough balance that you’ll almost fail to notice both sides of it LOL | @itshaneey