Seeing reference to Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone circularized here & there. They weren’t the same piece but still revolved around US’ crisis
Caught sight of Kristianto Purnomo’ photo, someone else put his own writing with credit to it. Story told by the image outweighs the writing
Nadia, leads Yemen Times & raises young daughter in casual surrounding gunshots. La vita è bella meets actual person
Le Jazz et La Java. chanson française dari Nougaro yang pas deskripsikan bulan ini; banyak ngopi karena tenggat nulis jazz
Roaming through ideas & throwing words to make ends meet. *an article finished with jazz in the mystic of Islam in mind*
Stylebook. Penyebutan “Istana setuju” pilihan gaya di antara “Jakarta restui”, “Cikeas” atau dulu “Cendana”, seperti “White House condemns”
Cara jurnalis BBC “tabayyun”
Mosaic Music Festival 2011. Turning down the offer to cover its first 4 days with regret. Too sudden