Biaya transfer BCA ke Mandiri Rp 5000 via ATM *akhirnya Prima membesarkan jaringannya sendiri, Bersama sendiri*
Bali musiknya, Sunda kendangnya, Rusia penontonnya! Saat Janger bertemu Ketuk Tilu interaktif. The Fingers:
Indonesians need as twice as much larger bandwidth to play YouTube compared to other 56 countries due to packet loss [?]
Indonesia qualified for top countries with highest packet-loss. MIT findings over Akamai network [PDF] via @rendoaw
Tajul, bernama asli Ali Murtadha, tak lekas buka pesantren di Sampang sepulang dari Arab, tapi pengaruhnya meluas sejak buka pesantren 2004
Awal 1980-an Kiai Makmun dikirimi surat kabar Iran oleh sahabatnya di sana. Ia kemudian mengenal Ayatollah Khomeini
KUHAP berusia 30 tahun pada 31 Desember kemarin dan masih jadi utang #kalei2011
Aerial view of our laws, 50 clusters of bills passed aren’t aligned yet as closely clustered 1,214 laws visually!
Our very own AKB48 #localization, perfect copy, sweating as kawaii as possible. #kalei2011
“…where I grew up — the hot weather and the spicy food that made us warm and cordial people,” Widjaja attributed Indonesia. #pros