Ulama sejuk yang bilang kalau di akhir hari kita cuma selisih satu pahala, menganjur untuk bersegera pada urusan lain & berpasrah hasil
Mobilisasi serentak pekerja urban yang mengagumkan; dan bayangkan masih bisa terselip kenyamanan
We clearly hear the ventriloquist’ voice, yet cast in shadow over who the master is, pulling the strings
Puasa lekas datanglah ke tengah benci, agar yang tahu malu segera urung dari berbuat tak adil. Segera
We succeed autopilot by popular demand; Why bother another five if we’re badmouthing others, myopic, & racist all at once?
It’s purely TKO, don’t throw in the towel yet. Now, just choose who to spar with, not minding that you ever bad-mouth them before the ring
By the end of day we can tell that fanatics & pessimists suffer tragic defeat. Real battle doesn’t end there though