India’s slowdown ↬@nkaplish. Return to a path of high growth depends on its politicians -and in the end: its voters
SingTel’s cellular network went down due to upgrade; fined S$400,000 for breaching Telecom Service Resiliency Code
If “plain English” has meaning for ministry of “communication”, then I totally lost roaming their recent press release
Seorang teman menyitir riwayat Bukhari, “Tidaklah seorang penguasa …mati dalam keadaan menipu rakyatnya…” Sangat berseberangan rupanya
Swedish telco TeliaSonera implemented Sorm, allowing government of i.e.Uzbek to access customer (activist) calls, texts
Hitungan yang diangkat oposisi akhir pekan lalu soal surplus kas akibat bagi hasil & penjualan BBM premium
Bicara zero sum lagi, tapi soal sisi kanan-kiri neraca. Ke mana 97 trilyun kas dari jualan premium itu? “@detikcom”
Paris explosion. This has been the 2nd blast to this Indonesian embassy during Yudhoyono administration
“@jakpost: Unified time zone may save power: PLN” while securing gas will significantly leverage the bulk right side of the balance!
Breaking the habit. Singapore authority struggles to force commuter crowd away from door [via Baud]