That a mid-high Xperia C3 wiped itself out with no cause nor interactive auth struck me in the head. My 3rd green robot-gone-wrong
S560 factory defect seems to be on the bottom touch screen judging from the guy next to me with the same swap by @LenovoMobileID
After a month of so-so usage all apps of Tab 2 give “unexpectedly closed”. A wipe will solve that instantly. Lost impression
The two samples of headphones, the black one has confused orientation of left-right #pic
Realize something’s not right literally: this Chinese headphones mixed up left as right both in labels & construction merely due to cabling
Just got 2 earphones & 1 headphones fixed. Even the cheapest FM wireless last longer than these wired pieces
Flickers in video transitions rendering. Upgrading Pitivi from its initial release bundled in Ubuntu Lucid doesn’t solve the problem
Indonesians need as twice as much larger bandwidth to play YouTube compared to other 56 countries due to packet loss [?]