Aksi bela program. Tradisi bagus
“Ibu bumi wis maringi, Ibu bumi dilarani, Ibu bumi kang ngadili, La ilaha illallah, Muhammadur rasulullah” |
“Jewish day begins at sundown & ends the following sundown”
Meninggalkan ide atau orang-orangnya? Ketika Punk pecah kongsi dengan gerakan kiri http://j.mp/1VLLuqG
Hindu Budha Islam in one single frame #pic
“ndaskeleng”, “cicing”, “nani” di Utara bahasa keakraban, di Selatan umpatan terhina ↬@mpujayaprema
..then lies real truth: this is low trust society. When trust makes room for less alert, we’re in that densely occupied corner sleepless
..the thing is then, hypno-tainment —on purpose, with conscience— is likely fabricated. Plastic truth..
We dare —even liking the idea— truth to slip out in hypno-tainment without conscience, so that we could care less on face to face apology
When being brown could mean inferiority. [Ki Slamet - kerbau bule] #pic