Even losing simplest phone can have tremendous realization effect; you’re victim, caught unaware of evil deed; a natural act, as kindness is
I received DMs with shortened link: a redirect to tvivvter•com asking you to fill up Twitter login form. #phishing
..only to snatch the victim’ Blackberry, another brilliance at lost. The city is sleepless, but rather in vain..
Abdul, junior-high DO, woke at 10, watched music program on TV. In the afternoon, stabbed Math Olympiad winner. http://goo.gl/sLN5q
Artikel MOTOR Plus: “Naik Motor Cegah Perkosaan”. Pengendara Harley botak memang sama sekali tak menggairahkan
Genuine mafioso baciamano Anggodo-Subroto http://lakm.us/P4W [The Don shrugs, Bonasera bows toward the Don and kisses the Don's hand]