Can you WhatsApp to Michelle as Obama? A possibility:
WhatsApp security nightmare & a working PHP class hack working with your desktop ↬@rendoaw
Film “Lewat Djam Malam” direstorasi Singapura, lukisan Raden Saleh bisa dikumpulkan untuk pameran berkat Jerman [aren't they in good hands?]
Free modern men are imprisoned by the routine called battery charging
Remember Path apps uploading contacts? LinkedIn enroute same privacy violation, apologizing, & make opt-out possible?
Arabic command line in UNIX shell [the touch pad went wild, it didn't get along well with the kernel]
“@mpujayaprema: Dua ormas itu Laskar Bali dan Baladika, dikenal “Garis keras” tp tak menunjukkan kekerasan. Missinya: mengamankan Bali.”
Battery memory-effect is a myth I find myself discharging Li-on battery as a result of being reluctant to update