Replika patung Botero yang kini harus bercelana [Sentul Eco Park] #pic

My contributed WordPress plugins for playing FreeMind, minor update just now #in
Android lacks the most important feature of all: social climbing #eaa | @willykusp @wisnu_wrdn
…but then of course Janis drove Porsche with butterflies on it.. Her Lord granted not the Mercedes..
“Mercedes Benz” is a lonely blues tune about the illusory happiness promised by the pursuit of worldly goods ~
Oh lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz \ My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends ~Janis Joplin
Setelah tuhan 9 senti, sekarang sekolah 5 senti. Padahal trennya form-factor sekarang itu 7″ minimal #fail
I’m reluctant to updates. How do I defy Moore’s law?
“Belakangan ini prosesor komputer tak lagi betul-betul bertambah cepat. Toleransi kitalah yang menurun”
“Indonesia is up on the new 64kb link” ~Randy Bush checking the 750ms replies in Portland