« can’t stop thinkin’ that this whole public-private hype is (yet again) Jakarta-esque
Logical framework differences are increasingly taken as insult to the other’ intellect. People–not just parting ways, they–leave each other
Aniaya maut Eluay hari ini bertahun silam direnggut jadi kepahlawanan menurut sejarah, sejarah menurut pemenang http://j.mp/1MIIG7H
♪ ♫ Ground control to Major Tom \
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Hindu Budha Islam in one single frame #pic

« dibesarkan jawaban RPUL & buku Iwan Gayo, tak heran jika berakhir selalu di halaman satu mesin pencari tanpa curiga salah bertanya
“This is silly; the defenders of the faith of Christ destroy the church and the Masons order it rebuilt” ~Ft. Nicanor at defeat of Macondo
Unfolding umbrella, when was last time? As I’m about to, the sky effortlessly changes its mind making way for the stubborn setting of day