Aaron Swartz co-author of RSS, co-founder of Reddit, charged to 50 years for the cause of free data, died by suicide http://j.mp/V0JQaf
..or maybe all web stats after 2012 will show that nearly half of Indonesian traffic share comes from Apple line of products..
Sample short URL stats in broadcasted SMS: 9,429 clicks, ~40% from Safari. Why’d Apple fans click sponsored link on howto-drive-in-rain?
Tolak angin perdana tahun ini. Ora bejo? …Pintar!
Motor dengan standar ganda itu berdiri lebih tegak daripada yang tunggal
“Hujan tak menghentikanku dari pergi sekolah. Apalagi mantelnya punya ekor & dada seorang Emperror” ~ #toddler http://flic.kr/p/dK6DqL
Bahasa Inggris usia dini: “shake hands” itu bersalaman minus cium tangan
Pakubuwono X initials carved on classic cupboard. The ruler prophesied as “rahayu”, considered as the last #pic
KBBI memuat “koboisme” [ko·bo·is·me n] sementara “cowboyism” tidak dikenal kamus populer sekalipun. Ternyata!