“Humans are never satisfied with the first edit of anything”
If I mark it as not-spam, then go to inbox, trash it afterwards, would you call me nice?
New post: starting two/multiple services in upstart init style (replacing sys-V legacy) by Squid3 instances example http://j.mp/11xBNVX
Orang-orang tua yang berjalan kaki menuju jemaah subuh. Muda-mudi menor bertaksi yang pulang dini hari
Tersungkur tanpa helm ke kolong mobil boks yang bergeming di lampu merah jelang subuh, pengendara bersengat alkohol itu main api dengan ajal
Syria has largely disappeared from the Internet: BGP routing investigation by OpenDNS (18:45 UTC) http://j.mp/109sVCm ↬@octavianasr
Gemas bolak-balik baca ش ditulis latin dengan “sh” ala transliterasi “Barat”. Kenapa tidak tulis Gaddafi atau Anouar sekalian?
“vom Sabang tot Merauke” ~J.B. van Heutsz, 1904
Beli 1 dapat 2 bayar 3! Cuma hari ini! #IQ
Marathon run between walls in Bethlehem where a single 42 kilometers stretch not existed without roadblock http://j.mp/15icXe6