Hate taking calls while driving, but pulling over to pick up 5.6% personal loan offer from achievement-centric telemarketer isn’t pretty
For that reason @el99itb “Dream Building” through film screening http://lakm.us/el99 might worth that life changing, bring scene to life
Used to find myself waiting for the credit roll to end to be disappointed by: all characters are fictitious, any similarity to actual ..etc.
“I don’t do it all. I think doing it all is a myth. But I do know a few tricks” ~Gabrielle Blair, designer & mother of six
6 people fill in the gap of income, 3-6 children, no nanny, predominantly work after kids go to bed, how their days look http://lakm.us/SkW
High spirited strumming of steel string guitars & big sound voicings by Japanese duo Depapepe “Summer Parade” @youtube http://lakm.us/83B
Cara menuju jembatan baksil adalah dengan menemukan ikon huruf b.d.g di pojokan Tamansari-Siliwangi #pic
“Write in C” (as pointer to “Let it B”) @youtube http://lakm.us/FvD to fellows @wisnu_wrdn @hericz whom hate objects