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Posts Tagged ‘socialmedia’

Nebri Automation for Weather Feed to Twitter

The season was intermittently rainy or dry as I began to take interest in weather. After getting stuck with “If-this-than-that” (IFTTT) for multiple location feeds of weather, I found out that I wasn’t alone, a geek hit the same wall, yet bringing another automation forgery: Nebri OS, an event-driven development platform based-on writing rules in [...]

Get Commuter Train Trouble Alert Delivered to Watch by IFTTT

Imagine getting alerts of Commuter Line train service disruption right on your wrist! Well, the watch thing isn’t a must as any SMS-enabled phone will do. But without the watch, I won’t be introduced to “If-this-than-that” (IFTTT), a simple logic line that glues popular apps into trigger and action branded as recipes. Anyone can code [...]

Alas my LinkedIn password is in the file! (Howto check compromised password)

When LinkedIn privacy breach was about to be revealed during Yuval Ne’eman workshop in Tel Aviv University, suddenly the timeline trends were that of friends, telling people to change LinkedIn password. Both were separate issues and of course the privacy breach was then subsided from people’s attention. To tell you the truth, as a secret [...]